Desert Rose Women’s Center of Santa Fe/Espanola is a Christian, non-profit ministry. We envision a culture where women and men faced with an unplanned pregnancy are transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and empowered to choose life for their unborn children and abundant life for their families.

We acknowledge that every human life begins at conception and is worthy of protection. We offer compassion, hope, and help to anyone considering abortion by presenting them realistic alternatives and Christ-centered support through our life-affirming programs.

We also believe in the nuclear family and strive through our parenting program to foster and enhance lives of parents and their children.

The Abortion Crisis

Did you know that New Mexico is one of the only late term abortion states in the country? Did you know that 30% of pregnancies end in abortion? Moreover, this is a conservative figure since it doesn’t include abortions by pill or totals from private abortion clinics—which are not required to report statistics. 

Abortion is legal in New Mexico through all 9 months of pregnancy:

  • Without parental consent for minors
  • Without a mandatory waiting period
  • Without the benefit an ultrasound

You Can Make the Difference

Make an impact for Christ in the community. Use your gifts and talents to help save unborn babies and minister to women and men in the Santa Fe and Rio Arriba communities. Volunteers are critical to our pregnancy center ministry. There are so many areas where you can lend your unique gifts. There is a place for you here.

Donate To Life

If not you, who? Saving unborn babies and helping women and men make a decision for life can start with you. There are a variety of ways to give a gift.

Donations of any size or type make a significant impact on our ministry of bringing LIFE and Christ to the communities we serve.