Our vision is to uphold the sanctity of human life by showing the love of God to bless those in our community facing pregnancy, parenting and post-abortion concerns.
We believe that every woman has the right to make the choice that she believes is right for her and her baby. To do so, she needs to have all the information about all her options. A choice without information is no choice at all.
We believe that every unborn child is created in the image and likeness of God. We believe in the humanity and rights of the unborn.
James 1:27 says “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” An orphan today is the helpless, vulnerable child in the womb who is being considered for abortion thereby having neither mother nor father to protect them. And today a widow can be considered the single woman who has to make a life and death decision about her baby on her own without support of the father (and sometimes even being pressured by the baby’s father to abort the child).
18% of all U.S. abortions are performed on women who identify themselves as born again or evangelical Christians. “Why Prolife?” by Randy Alcorn
We offer a safe, confidential environment for women and men to safely explore their pregnancy options and receive accurate medical information.
Our strive to reach women and men facing an unplanned pregnancy who are considering abortion. We minister to them with grace and dignity, seeking to eliminate the crisis without eliminating the baby. We trust God will empower them to make a life-affirming pregnancy decision while acknowledging that ultimately it is their choice to make.
Options Counseling (carrying to term, making an adoption plan or abortion)
Adoption Education
Medical/Community Referrals
Lab-quality Pregnancy Testing
1st Trimester Ultrasound
Proof of Pregnancy Verification
Education on Maternal Health and Fetal Development
Parenting Classes for Mothers and Fathers
Material Needs for Mother and Baby (please see our Wish List)
Forgiven & Set Free – a private Bible Study for women and men impacted by abortion
4001 Office Court Drive, Suite 706
Santa Fe, NM 87507
(505) 995-1998
[email protected]